VIDEO: Greta Thunberg yells at Mount Etna for recklessly violating climate change regulation

ITATY—Climate enthusiast Greta Thunberg has flown to Italy to yell at the world’s most active volcano Mount Etna for violating international climate change regulation.
Thunberg took her famous hot-air balloon powered by her own fiery breath all the way to the volcano to yell at the volcano, which was heedlessly and recklessly violating the Paris climate change treaty.
“How dare you?” She cried. “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your billowing plumes of ash and CO2. How dare you? How triple-dog dare you?”
“It’s absolutely soul-crushing,” Janet Flurey, witness to the eruption, told Genesius Times. “It’s my worst nightmare that all this pollution is going in the air. But on the other hand I’m trying to focus on the positive.”
According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the world’s volcanoes, both on land and undersea, generate about 200 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually.
Originally published November 28, 2022.