Biden promises to transgender in first 100 days, becoming the first woman president

In a last minute pander, Joe Biden has announced that, if he’s elected, he will transition to a woman to become the first female US president.
The big question will be; will she lie about her age after making the transition? A campaign spokesperson told us, “Joe thinks he’s ready for this… to break that glass ceiling. He has talked at length with his family and they fully support him. If he is elected, he will flow in the direction his inner self dictates and that is to become a woman… and not just any woman.
He will also come out bi. So, he and Jill will still be able to probe the depths of their relationship. We also believe he cannot be forced to testify against himself in a court of law. Our campaign sees a bright future for the new Ms. Josephine Adventure, as he wants to be referred to. For right now, and up until the election, we will still call him Joe. Then after he wins, he will be Mr. President and after the transition, Mrs. President. His wife Jill, however, will maintain the First Lady designation unless she too decides to transition so she can also break a ceiling and become the First Gentleman. Hunter Biden has also announced his possible transition depending on if he gets indicted as he would prefer a woman’s prison facility.
Just in from the Kamala Harris campaign, spokesperson Justin Time has released a statement. “Kamala supports Mr. Biden’s decision and will help him explore his femininity after he has passed away which he also promised to do in his first 100 days.”