BREAKING: President playing games while Americans die is heartwarming now

(CNN) Americans are dying at unprecedented levels from that scary disease.
But now and for the foreseeable future, any time the president relaxes or takes a break or especially when he plays Mario Kart with his grandkids while Americans are dying, it is heartwarming.
As everyone knows, just a month ago it was the root of all evil that the president golfed while Americans died, but that was because the president was Donald Trump, the creator of racism and coronavirus. And it was golf, which is racist.
Never racist President Joe Biden is in charge now and he single-handedly developed the vaččine, so it’s heartwarming to see him relax and play with kids.
It’s even heartwarming when the president sniffs and fondles kids.
Please help CNN spread the word since no one watches our network anymore: it’s heartwarming that the president plays with kids and goes to bed at 4:30 in the evening while people die.
Editor Note: We at Genesius Times are doing our part to help spread CNN’s headlines since their distribution is so small.