White House demands removal of offensive new Dr. Seuss books

WASHINGTON, DC—White House personnel were infuriated to learn of new offensive Dr. Seuss books to replace the old offensive Dr. Seuss books the administration had canceled yesterday.
The new titles are “Sneetches Get Steetches,” “How Biden Stole the Election 2020,” and “Horton Hears a Whore!”.
The White House is demanding that the Dr. Seuss estate cease and desist of all publication of the offensive content.
“You can bring back the racist stuff from the 1940s,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said. “Just please don’t publish this horribly offensive new material.”
The publisher wants to keep the new titles.
“Many thought that the removal of six Seuss books was to gain points with the woke cancel culture, but really it was to make room for our new titles,” Seuss Enterprise CEO Mr. Tweedle Beetle said.
Excerpt from the Cat in the Hat remake: