Biden to turn the Oval Office into a man cave

President-Elect Joe Biden has announced he is getting a cat for the Oval Office as well as turning it into a man cave.
“C’mon man, I have all this good stuff given to me over the years by all these foreigners and it sits in my basement hardly getting’ used but now I can have these great parties in the White house.
If you are lucky, I will invite you into my man cave. We’re gonna have pinball machines, Corn Pop, I mean popcorn, lots of booze and ‘no girls aloud’ except my new ‘office cat’ Pussy Galore. I tell everyone I’m gonna put in some new Stainmaster carpet and ‘Clintonise’ it.”
Biden’s White House transition team announced all of the art and paintings in the White House will be replaced with movie posters, Michael Jackson memorabilia and a go cart track will be installed in the West Wing at the request of the new White House Social Director Hunter Biden.