Trump promises to bring troops home after ‘just one more eensy weensy world war’

President Donald Trump has talked about bringing US troops home from entanglements in the Middle East for years. He repeated this desire and promised to withdraw Americans from the region, “after just one more eensy weensy world war.”
Speaking to critics who said that he hadn’t brought any troops home or decreased our presence in the Middle East, he said he would “absolutely do it, but after one more eensy weensy world war.”
Most of the American public favor a deescalation in the region.
Seventy-eight percent of the American public favors blanket “bringing troops home” regardless of eensy weensy world wars.
The promise comes immediately after Trump okayed a strike on Iran’s most prominent military leader Qassim Suleimani in Iraq. That followed Iran’s joint military drills conducted with Russia and China.
“Mr. Trump strongly believes in bringing the troops home, but he wants to do so after they send Iran back into the Stone Age,” military analyst Roger Rogerface said.