In an attempt to avoid the chaos that occurred in Iowa, which resulted in two days without a declared winner, the Democratic National Committee has decided to release the New Hampshire primary results days ahead of the February 11th vote.
Veteran Hillary Clinton campaign operative Gerard Niemira, who has yet to be fined or fired for the shadow program that screwed up Iowa, attempted to use older software as a quick fix to count the votes that haven’t happened yet in New Hampshire. Fake Republican Strategist Rick Wilson attempted to assist in the project along with Burisma executive and Chinese crony investment expert Hunter Biden.
The program ended up posting the results early and once again benefiting the establishment DNC. Results are below:
-Hillary Clinton ended up with 15 delegates from The Granite State, the same Bernie Sanders got in 2016.
-Lifelong independent candidate Vermin Supreme somehow got 7 delegates.
-Republican Nominee Donald Trump got a democrat delegate
½ a delegate went to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who would have gotten a full delegate, but tore up her reward letter before certification.
Bernie Sanders was awarded -5 delegates, meaning he will have to redistribute his delegates to other candidates during the Democratic nomination.
The coronavirus managed to get 2 delegates
Other results show several disparities. At least 5 precincts reported 150% voter turnout. The voting results of Bryant, Arkansas millage tax increase of 2017 that was defeated by 8 votes was somehow added to the State of New Hampshire democrat primary process. There were several people who voted multiple times including, Elvis, Baby Yoda, Dr Smith, Killer Frost and EpsteinDidntKillHimself.
It’s not clear if the New Hampshire Primary election will even happen now, but the results are final.