Schiff: ‘Defending yourself against baseless accusations is evidence of guilt’

WASHINGTON DC—It has long been known that saying you’re not racist is clear evidence that you are racist. Now US Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has etched in stone this liberal mantra in regard to impeachment.
“Let me be very blunt. Right now a great many, perhaps even most, Americans know that defending yourself against baseless accusations is evidence of guilt. And since President Trump is trying to defend himself in this ‘trial’, he is clearly guilty and that means we must remove him from office immediately before the trial,” Schiff said.
This standard doesn’t apply to Schiff, evidently, who defended himself from accusations of hiding documents, conducting an unfair impeachment inquiry, and fabricating the text of the July 25 phone call between Trump and the president of Ukraine.
Schiff who was having an affair with the Trump whistleblower during the House impeachment inquiry said that he expects a fair trial.
“The American people want a fair trial and that can only happen if we win,” Schiff said. “So, it is up to you to do whatever is possible to make sure of that.”