Hundreds have contracted socialyphilis after drinking Bernie Sanders campaign bath water
Hundreds of people have contracted the rare communicable disease socialyphilis after drinking the water marketed by the Bernie Sanders campaign...
Hundreds of people have contracted the rare communicable disease socialyphilis after drinking the water marketed by the Bernie Sanders campaign...
A steaming pile of feces is hanging on to the top spot in the Democratic primary field, leading his nearest...
During a protest in front of the Aurora ICE detention facility Friday, a small group from around 2,000 protesters pulled...
The twitterverse of bigots were ablaze with hatred over Disney's woke decision yo cast a gay parapalegic penguin as Simba...
Much hype has been made of the storming of Area 51: more than a half-million strangers will gather in a...
The fall of Venezuela’s currency over the last four years has been one of the most sensational bear runs in...
Megan Rapinoe is the leader of the US Women's National Soccer Team and she just led them to their second...
After agreeing to pay for illegal immigrant's health care, the California government has decided to just secede and join Mexico...
Democrats have changed their tune on immigration. They're now endorsing stricter immigration policies and a border wall around Alaska after...
In the wake of the US women’s soccer team’s World Cup win Sunday, a new petition is demanding that the people...