Notorious welfare queens proceed to lecture Americans about right and wrong
Nobody saw this coming. Google, tech overlord the world over, having made billions turning taxpayer money into infrastructure and search...
Nobody saw this coming. Google, tech overlord the world over, having made billions turning taxpayer money into infrastructure and search...
In an attempt to ‘moderate the hate’ on their platform, Facebook has rolled out a novel punishment for repeat offenders....
Well this escalated quickly. During an interview with world renowned white-supremacist, Candace Owens, Mario Lopez let his bigotry show. He...
Now, this is thinking outside of the box. Fed up with the labyrinth of bureaucracy that healthcare in America must...
Kamala Harris was literally destroyed on the second night of the CNN Democratic debate by several of the other 12,000...
Kamala Harris was literally destroyed on the second night of the CNN Democratic debate by several of the other 12,000...
Wylie Marie, of North Dakota fame, just destroyed two-millenia of biblical exegesis in one fell swoop. During a stretch of...
Democratic socialist presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders has made a bold staffing decision after been hounded by logical thinkers for advocating...
CNN is hosting the second set of Democratic presidential debates Tuesday and Wednesday, taking place in Detroit. 20 Democrats will take...
Shut down the press. Trump made a tweet and it resulted in the deaths of a million liberals and counting!...