Make-A-Wish Foundation now requires kids to undergo sex change and CRT indoctrination for granted wishes
Make-A-Wish America CEO Richard Davis announced the foundation will grant wishes only for children who undergo Critical Race Theory training...
Make-A-Wish America CEO Richard Davis announced the foundation will grant wishes only for children who undergo Critical Race Theory training...
SACRAMENTO, CA—Governor Gavin Newsom announced a new way to show that you've been vaccinated against COVID-19 and allayed fears about...
After the "suicide" of the reporter who broke the Clinton-Lynch tarmac story, Clinton control is again at the forefront of...
Did you catch a wiff of the new Time cover? Those aviators! "On his way to meet Vladimir Putin, Secret...
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA—Google's media giant YouTube has been banned indefinitely from its own video streaming service for violating its community...
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA—Officials at the various Facebook fact-checking services have investigated themselves over several allegations that they promoted misinformation during...
(CNN) Brave anchor Chris Cuomo has made it very clear that it is illegal to read emails obtained through a...
WASHINGTON, DC—The Biden administration has concluded the investigation into whether the Chinese Communist Party had developed and released COVID-19 as...
US—In a shocking poll conducted by the Pew Pew Research Center, it appears that several people—maybe upwards of 150 across...
WASHINGTON, DC—In a new video, a newly bearded Dr. Anthony Fauci warns of a new threat of spreading COVID while...