Satan opens 10th circle of Hell where all you do is install car seats in minivans all day
In an ongoing effort to increase the misery of millions of damned souls, Satan has announced a brand new, more...
In an ongoing effort to increase the misery of millions of damned souls, Satan has announced a brand new, more...
It's almost spring. Almost. A wonderful season to be alive. Blooming flowers, birds chirping again as they fly North, love...
Look, we all know people change their minds all the time about lots of things. People evolve. Tastes change. People...
If you didn't bleed through every pair of pants you had in 7th grade, you can't write laws about reproductive...
PHOENIX, AZ—Barnabas White, a local 13-point Calvinist from Sola Scriptura Veritas Ordo Salutis Church in Phoenix Arizona is wowing both...
Elizabeth Warren has been fading in the polls recently. Her Native American debacle has not helped. But now that Joe...
Iran has acceded to the demands of Boeing today in agreeing to hand over the infamous Black Box from the...
Retired NBA star Dwayne Wade remembers exactly what his 12-year-old son said when he came out as transpecies. "We was...
Everyone is well aware of the murderous Islamic thugs who identify, torture and eventually kill gay and lesbian people living...
BALTIMORE MD—Broom Union Representatives from the Maryland Broom Company are marking yesterday as a historic day for the broom community....