AOC cries bigotry: Only old white men invited to Epstein island
It has been a rough week for AOC. First, a bunch of Russian Trump supporters illegally immigrated into the country...
It has been a rough week for AOC. First, a bunch of Russian Trump supporters illegally immigrated into the country...
After agreeing to pay for illegal immigrant's health care, the California government has decided to just secede and join Mexico...
Now things are heating up! After the founder of Home Depot was found giving money to the Drumpf 2020 presidential...
BEAVERTON, OR—Nike is making waves once again this month in effort to appease their sponsored celebrity/unemployed backup quarterback, Colin Kaepernick....
In an egregious act of thievery, a black and white spaniel was caught trying to gain free chicken on Chik-fil-A's...
A constant flow from Central American countries of migrants is heading for President Trump's new resort at the American border...
Well, nobody expected this twist. After suffering through years of Facebook fueled viral movements, one small government in East Texas...
As the nation celebrated the national holiday that symbolizes all men being created equal, a small minority of bigots expressed...
As recently reported, the ancestors of Kamala Harris owned slaves yet she has not paid any sort of reparations for...
Scientists at the prestigious Johns Hopkins Psychiatric Clinic are baffled as to why straight men prefer biological women over trans-women....