You idiots need to wear seatbelts so that my seatbelt will work
I don't know who needs to hear this but you idiots need to use your seatbelts so that mine will...
I don't know who needs to hear this but you idiots need to use your seatbelts so that mine will...
Multi-billionaire Jeff Bezos launched into outer space today proudly displaying his newest rocket ship with a not-so-subtle-message.The world's wealthiest man...
NEW YORK—US representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has never been one to shy away from controversy. While attending the $30,000 per...
WASHINGTON, DC—He tried encouraging. He tried cajoling. He tried dangling gifts and all manner of incentives. But eight months into...
Former Vice-President Joe Biden has sued the former United States Continental General Benedict Arnold for the title of "Worst Traitor...
SEATTLE, WA- Minutes after receiving her fourth wuflu vaccination shot, local woman Heather Jarrett stood outside the hospital entrance and...
Welcome to PNN news, the Puppet News Network. This is your up to the minute update. Taliban forces continue to...
PORTLAND, OR—The City of Portland is upping the crack rock ante in its COVID-19 vaccine push, doubling the number of...
PITTSBURGH, PA—While on her way to a local school board meeting to force children to wear face masks, local woman...
Toy maker Mattel has introduced a wonderful toy for all the girls and boys who identify as girls out there:...