UPDATE: Taliban conducting mostly peaceful beheadings and other news
Welcome to PNN news, the Puppet News Network. This is your up to the minute update. Taliban forces continue to...
Welcome to PNN news, the Puppet News Network. This is your up to the minute update. Taliban forces continue to...
The long lasting name for the movie-star Cleveland Indians baseball team has come to an end. Many other infamous teams...
HOLLYWOOD—The 93rd Academy Awards broke a lot of new ground this year including awards for best real-life villain, which went...
WASHINGTON, DC—In a brave path forward under the Biden administration, the Pentagon is set to eliminate all discrimination in the...
President Biden's Climate Czar John Kerry was accused by critics of attempting to stage a photo op on Saturday after...
US—Many Democrats are flying high after the culmination of more than four years’ of bipartisan work to end the reign...
The long lasting name for the movie-star Cleveland Indians baseball team has come to an end. The infamous team were...
US—After his historic victory in the presidential election, which was the first not to have voter fraud, former Vice President...
MIAMI—Lil Wayne is feeling the heat after he became the latest prominent rapper to announce that "he ain't black." Before...
BEIJING—A new Pew Pew poll shows that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is winning in nearly every province in China...