Hero of the Christian faith writes ‘Soli Deo Gloria’ after all his inane Facebook posts
PHOENIX, AZ—Barnabas White, a local 13-point Calvinist from Sola Scriptura Veritas Ordo Salutis Church in Phoenix Arizona is wowing both...
PHOENIX, AZ—Barnabas White, a local 13-point Calvinist from Sola Scriptura Veritas Ordo Salutis Church in Phoenix Arizona is wowing both...
The population control bioweapon coronavirus is on the move again. It has now spread throughout China. Next stop, who knows?...
Pete Buttigieg took time out of his busy presidential campaign yesterday to flash a peace sign and smirk on a...
Elizabeth Warren has been fading in the polls recently. Her Native American debacle has not helped. But now that Joe...
Bernie Sanders is fuming. Let's face it, Hillary Clinton and the DNC screwed Bernie Sanders in 2016. It's starting to...
Iran has acceded to the demands of Boeing today in agreeing to hand over the infamous Black Box from the...
Retired NBA star Dwayne Wade remembers exactly what his 12-year-old son said when he came out as transpecies. "We was...
WASHINGTON, DC—In the wake of devastating footage from Project Veritas, showing Bernie Sanders campaign workers accidentally revealing Bernie Sanders’ plan to convert...
Though the final vote might have been closer than he liked, democratic socialist Bernie Sanders is the projected winner of...
Everyone is well aware of the murderous Islamic thugs who identify, torture and eventually kill gay and lesbian people living...