Disney renames Main St USA George Floyd Blvd; declares it Antifa autonomous zone
ALTA VISTA, FL—Disney has renamed Main Street USA George Floyd Boulevard and declared the surrounding area a communist autonomous zone...
ALTA VISTA, FL—Disney has renamed Main Street USA George Floyd Boulevard and declared the surrounding area a communist autonomous zone...
Let's face it. Just about every single cartoon in the '60s thru '90s had someone or something blown up. The...
Truth is stranger than fiction, so it stands to reason that the best fictional movie of 2020 is a documentary...
According to recent reports, Robert De Niro has complained that COVID-19 has seriously interfered with his career and has devastated...
BEVERLY HILLS--Will Smith has had a life of such hardship and travail, we at GT wanted to investigate the pluck...
As we can see above, Mary Poppins and company are being frog marched to Rikers Island. The kids will be...
ANAHEIM—Disney has added a new Colin Kaepernick ride to go along with his Disney+ video series. The thrilling ride will...
Tom Hanks has said he has "no respect" for people who refuse to wear a face mask while peddling children...
There are just so many nominees this year the Miss Management committee is having a hard time deciding which ones...
LANDOVER, MD—The Washington Redskins are changing their name following renewed pressure from activists and corporations, the team announced Friday. A team...