BREAKING: Crazed white supremacist kills 1 in movie set mass shooting
NEW MEXICO—A crazed white supremacist—Alec Baldwin—has killed one and injured another in a mass shooting on the set of the...
The Most Reliable Source of Fake News on the Planet
NEW MEXICO—A crazed white supremacist—Alec Baldwin—has killed one and injured another in a mass shooting on the set of the...
When our great President Joe Biden said that white supremacy is the number one problem facing America, he wasn't joking....
(CNN) The most popular president in the history of the world expertly steered a car during the Presidential Townhall last...
US—A poll conducted by the Pew Pew Center shows that some guy named Brandon has surged to the lead in...
WASHINGTON, DC—President* Biden yesterday announced that he is adding Pfizer to the official US flag and the Pledge of Allegiance...
REDMOND, WA—Renowned tech and biotech mogul Bill Gates has decided he will carry around a white cat and stroke it...
DALLAS—COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, which has wrecked havoc across the globe, has been declared dead after infecting Chuck Norris. "We...
WASHINGTON, DC—Colin Powell, who served Democratic and Republican presidents in war and peace but whose sterling reputation was forever stained...
WASHINGTON, DC—While former Secretary of State Colin Powell said he voted for Clinton in 2020, he has since learned of...
Following revelations of inappropriate remarks in emails by former Raiders' coach Jon Gruden, the NFL has conducted an investigation into...